Laser Marking Technology - Compact

The power of simplicity
Compact laser technology has been designed for maximum production flexibility, precision, and power, with a compact design and high cost-efficiency. It meets the needs of large production, with versatile garments and detailed and accurate designs. The improved Compact has been designed to make the most of space in production centers, creating a safe and comfortable work environment for its operators.

eMark X
Speed up the lasers with the most advanced software for laser marking.

Achieve better definition, thinner lines, and more grayscale with Dynamic Autofocus Optics system automatically modifying the spot diameter.

Light Tools
Attain your finishing effect easily and with precision.
Set Up

Compact - Side load CMT

Compact - Front load CMT
Preview Technology
Red Laser Pointer and Color Camera
Working Area
2 Tables 150 x 75 cm
Scanning Head
Dynamic Autofocus Optics