People and planet come first

Sustainable journey
Sustainability is woven into OUR DNA

01. People

02. Planet

03. Product

04. Profit
From fabric to finish, we acknowledge responsibility for the social and environmental footprint of our technologies and operations.

Innovation in the process and the product
From the conception of the idea to the final product, the following requirements need to be met.
Solve an ecological problem and therefore reduce water, energy consumption and use of safer chemistry. The EIM software measures these variables to provide the basis for decisions.
Solving an ethical problem. Eliminating manual operation and hazardous chemicals with a huge negative impact on workers' health.
Be economically efficient. Not increasing product manufacturing cost allowing for rapid adoption. New technologies, process or services will only be launched if we can achieve the perfect product at a neutral cost.
Being disruptive, and in consequence allowing real improvement. We do not want to improve the current model by 20% but to make it 20 times better.
As an additional contribution towards a more responsible and ethical industry, Jeanologia makes EIM accessible to the whole textile industry, and not only to our partners.
EIM is unique, it is the only software that measures the environmental footprint of garment finishing processes, it is a powerful self-accreditation tool that allows producers, brands, and retailers to monitor the amount of water, chemicals, and energy used in their production, as well as the impact they may have on workers’ health. Our target is to elevate EIM turning it into an open platform that integrates other industry initiatives. A working group formed by EIM's different users, incorporate other industry initiatives into the tool management, meaning brands and garment finishers can update EIM software scaping from individual interest.
Nowadays, EIM, has become a world standard in the whole fashion industry, more than 50 brands and 250 laundries are using it to improve their production, increase transparency and inform final consumer.